
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Week two with my little gremlin

Our little cocker spaniel, Molly, is growing by leaps and bounds.  Thankfully we have gotten into a rhythm and schedule.  I know that she is going to want to play and get into everything right when she gets up in the morning.

The best part about our little Molly is that she has decided to explore more. I say that with extreme sarcasm. When we first got Molly,  I was so impressed that when we took her outside she didn't wander, she just did her business and she climbed up the back stairs when she was done.  Great!  Best puppy EVER! Until Mondat: First, let me set this up for you.  Right now, in the Midwest we are in the middle of an arctic plunge, the coldest temperatures in 20 years.  Monday night the temperature got to -20 F with wind chills -50 F, schools were called off across the state.  The news stations are warning us to bundle up and to take care of your pets.  +Joe Egloff  and I were discussing allowing the dogs to go potty on puppy pads so they didn't have to go outside.  Well, we discovered the frigid temperatures did not bother our dogs.  Especially little Molly.  She thought Monday was a perfect opportunity to explore the yard.  Particularly a leaf that was blowing across the yard.  One moment we were in the approved area getting doing our potty business and all of the sudden "LEAF!!" and Molly chased after it. Mind you I am fighting a wicked sinus infection (read all about that drama here An Ode to Joe) and this is when my puppy wants to run across the yard and explore.

I've said this before, but living life with a puppy is just like living life with a new baby.  With the exception I can lock this baby in a cage without DHS knocking on my door.  I have found I have to do all of my chores, internet posting, knitting etc when my puppy is asleep.  I do give her a bit of crate time each day so she gets used to it and let me tell you when that puppy sleeps or is in her kennel I breathe a sigh of relief.  A sleeping puppy is not pooping on the floor, or finding screws, or tiny pieces of coax (yes that is cable line, Joe mounted the TV in our bedroom and had to run different coax, some how Molly has found all the tiny pieces) to chew on.  The best is when she finds yarn and I am trying to pull out this big wad of yarn out while trying not to be torn to ribbons reaching into her mouth because a puppy's teeth are like needles.  Sharp, pointy needles.

This is the way we take a nap
When we started talking about getting another dog Anna was very insistent that she wanted Molly to be her dog.  Everyone else in the family has an animal that has attached to them.  Emma is Joe's, (fat) Lily is Allie's and Knoxville is mine.  Oliver mostly loves Joe but doesn't sleep with anyone, he is way too cool for that. So Anna felt left out on the four legged animal love fest.  Well, in order to have an animal bond with you, you have to be their primary care giver.  The one who takes them outside, trains them, sleeps with them, comforts them, disciplines them.  Well.....Molly has attached to me. The novelty of the new puppy worn off in the first 72 hours of Molly living with us, so who was their to pick up the slack?  Your's truly....and +Joe Egloff. Thankfully Anna is ok with it because after she realized how exhausting the task of taking on such a responsibility, she was happy to let me have the crown (and we all know how much I like crowns, let us pause while I do my hair flip and beauty queen wave.....)

On that note, I can not tell you how CUTE it is to have this little puppy sit at my feet and whimper for me to pick her up so she can sit with me in my chair.  Or how adorable it is when one of the cats bats at her, she rushes to me for comfort.

In Molly's week with us, she has gotten pretty brave in terms of the cats.  Knoxville tolerates her and will even partake in a game of girls chase boys (meaning Molly chases Knoxville) at least until Knoxville gets tired of it and jumps out of her reach.  Oliver kind of digs the play time.  However (fat) Lily haaaaaates Molly.  With a passion reserved for the Hatfields and McCoys.  I mean we are talking some serious hate.  (fat) Lily felt the same way when we brought Knoxville home two years ago and has barely begun to tolerate his existence could be a long row to hoe with (fat) Lily and Molly.

Yesterday, we leash trained, she is pretty stubborn and refused to go potty while on the leash but wouldn't go in the house.  Guess who won THAT battle of wills.  That's right, your's truly.    I worked with her on the "come" command as she picked it up very quickly.  I'm impressed with how intelligent and willing to learn this dog is.  I've read different articles about cocker spaniels and their willingness to be an eager learner.  How right they were,  we have had a few bumps in the road but I have learned a lot along the way.  She is learning so quickly I am starting to feel like the Dog Whisperer....I know, I need to calm that image down.

So an easier week. I am greatly looking forward to 20 F ABOVE zero later this week, heat wave!!

What are some lessons you have learned while rearing a puppy?

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