The list is endless as to why someone doesn't like you. I used to get all nervous and scared if I happened to have to be in the same room with the person I knew didn't like me. Or what if I went to a school event and they were there? What would I do? You all know that awkward, feel like you are going to die feeling of PURE DREAD when you think there is even a remote possibility you might run into, let's call this person "Harriet". (Now whenever you see me you can ask me about Harriet or tell me about your Harriet and it will be our secret language)
The Bible says in Romans 12: 19-21 "Beloved never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God; for it is written 'Vengence is mine I will repay' says the Lord. No, 'if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him drink; for by doing so you will heap burning coals upon his head'. Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good" Even though this is from the New Testament, I think my Jewish friends will agree; be kind to those who hate you and it will piss them off more!! We need to rise above, I know it is so hard not to gossip and not to fight fire with fire, to try to hurt that person just as much as they have hurt you. Believe me I am struggle with a Harriet of my own who seems to be evil incarnate, it seems that good things are happening to Harriet but it feels like I am getting the raw end of the stick in the deal. I have struggled with rising about and not wanting to get revenge.
I try my best, day by day to not speak untruths or gossip about my Harriet, to say kind things about her and to pray for her. Because it is obvious that because of her anger there is something troubling her deeper than something I have done.
To those who might read this that I have wronged or hurt your feelings. TELL ME!! Let me apologize, let try to repair our friendship. To those reading this, if there is someone who hurt your feelings TELL THEM!! Don't just let it weigh heavy on your heart, tell them give them the chance to apologize for the Bible says (I'm paraphrasing here) those who wronged you go to them three separate times telling them how they hurt you and asking for an apology, if they don't apologize on the third time. You give up and continue to pray for them.
Tell me your Harriet story, are you going to go to Him/Her? Ask for an apology?
Great reads girl, they all speak right to my heart..keep it up!! Funny too ;)